Thursday, June 27, 2013


I got this lovely idea from Pinterest yesterday.  This morning I had to run to Michaels for something and decided to look for the materials to make this numeration work for Magoo.

This work proved to be incredibly simple to make.

  • 1 green basket (score, the baskets are 50% off this week!)
  • 1 sprig of Ivy (one sprig has 48 leaves on it--the work needs 45)
  • 1 sheet of white cardstock
  • 1 sheet of tan cardstock or the back of a pad of paper
  • Numeral stickers 0-9
I plan to cut the the white paper 2x2 and the tan 2 1/2x2 1/2 a bit larger and then laminate the squares.  I bought raised stickers so they will go on top of the laminate.

Direct Aim:     ·  Concentration              ·  Logic & Reasoning
                        ·  Coordination                ·  Problem Solving/Decision Making
                        ·  Confidence                   ·  Learning names of numbers 1-10
                        ·  Independence               ·  Furthering Math Development
                        ·  Order                           ·  Sequencing Numbers
                        ·  Predictability                 ·  Gaining Concepts of Numbers
                        ·  Exactness                     ·  Concreteness

Indirect Aim:  
  • Reinforce the concept of zero (0)
  • An understanding of the constancy of the abstraction of numerals: four is always four of something; its quantity is “four-ness”; it is not dependent on its mass. 
  • Reinforcement and verification as to whether the child knows: sequence of numbers, the association of a specific symbol and the corresponding numerical set, and how many separate units are needed to form each set 1 to 10.
  • Unconscious preparation for the decimal system, linear counting and abstractions.

 Preparation:  Spindle Boxes

This is how mine turned out...